Friday, November 25, 2011

On Corruption


We have large hue &  cry on  corruption and Anna's compaign against corruption.......

My humble submission is as follows... first of all, let us define corruption.  Is  it only taking or giving bribe  or some favour to some near  & dear ones?
In my  opinion, corruption is a perverted state of mind. You can be physically honest &  mentally corrupt  & vice- versa.........
In a platonic  state(.... may call it a utopia.) we must not need any law or a judge to judge us.
Infact it is a shame  on  humanity that  we need so many laws to govern  us.........

We behave as worse as our  animal  in fact  there  is no need for any lokpal bill or any  other bill  at that....

I  have all  respect & reverence  towards  the people  like Anna & Kejariwal.  They have all good  intentions  & immense  patriotic  feelings  for their country..... may  god bless them all....
all these micro-revolutions have their limited life spans, like us  mortals.....

Bolshevik  revolution( which  in fact was a macro revolution)  had a life span of about one and a half century.

So   was  with other revolutions.  reason  behind this limited span is  not difficult to find.  They  all have the same ideology, i.e.  animosity. hatred,  revenge , reaction......

In this process, revolutionary after certain span  becomes  a new tyrant.....

This  process is  going on since the  time immemorial &  shall  continue...........

Real  revolution  shall come  from within,  when we shall become  enlightened  and realize the real  meaning  of life  as a  whole, there  shall not remain any scope for  animosity ,fear, anger, revenge, reaction & hatred...

We,  as  humane, are destined to rise to that level....sooner or later.....

We are all striving on that path, some are ahead,  some are lagging,  few have not started yet....

Till that dawn,  we shall need these rules to govern  us & and better individuals to manage us(  ..plato"s philosopher king)..,,, but we  must not think these laws an end unto itself.....................
                               with all apology..................Mitra

Sunday, November 20, 2011


I really wonder what really i want from life........I think thi is not only me but millions like me round the world who feel like this............
our fragile existence, no matter how much we boast about our egocentric accomplishments,reminds us of the futility of our very being..........
when we are alone, we feel, alas;; there was somebody to share our feelings........
when we are in a large conglomeration, we try to find space for our selves.
we are never at perfect ease. we always crave for what we do not have......
and this meaningless search goes on & on...........
for me, real peace means ..... deatached attachment..
Aapooryamanaya machala pratishtham,
samudrapanah pravishanti yadwat..
tadwat kamaya pravisanti sarve,
shshank mapnoti na kam kami.........
MEANINING like all the rivers merge into the sea without affecting the real nature of the sea,
so shall all the external distractions enter the man without affecting the real nature.